Jkssb Election Assistant syllabus Jkssb Election Assistant (Junior Scale) syllabus
Jkssb advertised various posts of Election Assistant (Junior Scale) in Election department (Advt. No. 04 of 2020) and syllabus of the said posts is given below.
Name of the post:- Election Assistant (Junior Scale).
Pay Scale:- Level-4 (25500-81100).
Department:- Election.
Sub Deptt/Appointing Authority:- Chief Electoral Officer,J&K.
Total Vacancies:- 110
Qualification prescribed:-
i) Graduation from a recognized University having typing speed of 35 words per minute and working knowledge of Urdu.
ii) Six months diploma /certificate course in computer applications from recognized institute.
Criteria for selection:-
- Skill Test = 20 points.
- Written Examination/CBT = 80 points.
(The marks obtained in the Type Test shall be proportionately allotted against 20 points earmarked for the Type Test)
- Part “I” will comprise of Multiple Choice Objective Type Questions.
- Part “II” (Urdu portion) will be of descriptive nature.
- Both the parts viz Part “I” and part “II” will be compulsory.
- The candidates competing for Open Merit posts will be required to score at least 40% marks and candidates belonging to other categories (except OM) are required to score at least 35% marks with at least 33% in each part.
- There will be negative marking (0.25 per question per wrong answer) in Part ‘I”.
Jkssb Election Assistant (Junior Scale) syllabus
Marks: 150 Marks
Time: 02:30 Hours
PART I (100 marks)
1. General Knowledge & Current Affairs (30 Marks):-
(i) Current Events of National and International importance.
(ii) Science & Technology.
(iii) Environment, Ecology & Bio-diversity.
(iv) Indian National Movement.
(v) Political & Physical divisions of world & India.
(vi) Indian Economy.
(vii) Indian Culture & Heritage.
(viii) Climate & Crops in India.
(ix) Transport & Communication.
(x) Demography.
(xi) Important Rivers & Lakes in India.
2. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE with special reference to J&K UT (20 Marks):-
(i) History, Economy, and Culture of J&K UT.
(ii) Geography -Weather, Climate, Crops, Soils.
(iii) Means of Transport.
(iv) Flora and Fauna of J&K.
(v) Rivers and Lakes.
(vi) Important Tourist Destinations.
(vii) J&K Reorganisation Act, 2019.
Jkssb Election Assistant syllabus
3. GENERAL ENGLISH (20 Marks):-
(i) Tenses.
(ii) Rearranging of jumbled sentences.
(iii) Narration.
(iv) Models.
(v) Articles.
(vi) Comprehension with blanks to be filled in with:-
i. Phrases.
ii. Pronouns.
iii. Homonyms / homophones.
(vii) Clauses.
(viii) Synonyms and antonyms.
(ix) Pairs of words and their use in meaningful sentences.
(x) Idioms and phrases.
(xi) Uses of Prepositions.
(xii) Active & Passive Voice.
4. Knowledge of Computers (15 Marks):-
(i) Introduction and Objectives.
(ii) Basic Applications of Computer and its component.
(iii) Fundamentals of computer sciences.
(iv) Hardware & Software, Concept of Open Source Technologies.
(v) Input & output Devices.
(vi) Knowledge of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS Powerpoint, PDF, Internet and E-mail.
(vii) Concept of Computer Virus and Anti-Virus.
5. Mental Ability & Reasoning (15 Marks):-
(i) Number series.
(ii) Letter series.
(iii) Coding decoding.
(iv) Direction sense.
(v) Blood relations.
(vi) Statements and conclusions.
(vii) Logical Reasoning.
(viii) Mental Reasoning.
Jkssb Election Assistant (Junior Scale) syllabus
PART II (50 marks)
Guidelines for checking working knowledge of Urdu
The exam of Election Assistant (Junior Scale) intends to check the “working knowledge of Urdu” of the candidates. The same will be tested through a Reading and a Writing test (total comprising of 50 marks in a duration of 60 Minutes), to be conducted on the same day. The candidates belonging to ‘OM’ Category will be required to score at least 40% marks(overall) in the said exam with at least 33% marks in both Reading and Writing sections to be considered as having ‘working knowledge of Urdu’ for the purpose of this exam/qualified. The candidates belonging to other categories (except OM) are required to score at least 35% marks (overall) with at least 33% in each Section.
Reading Section - 20 Marks
- Candidates would be required to answer questions each carrying one mark each out of given passages.
Writing Section – 30 Marks
- Letter writing of minimum 100 words on a particular situation - 10 marks.
- One English passage to be translated into Urdu or Vice Versa - 10 marks.
- One Essay of about 100 words on any topic of social relevance - 10 marks.